Friday, May 22, 2020

At what point do we say enough?!

This is the incident that inspired me to create my podcast: PTPOP - A Mind Revolution

Here is the link to my podcast

PTPOP A Mind Revolution

At what point do we say enough!?!

Oct 27, 2019

My intention is to inform the masses on the tricks that are used to modify their behavior. Tricks that make you submit to corporations and their product lines without asking any questions. Once you know the secrets behind the magicians tricks the magic show no longer holds your attention.The mighty Oz will be exposed.

It’s three thirty in the morning. I am laying on a rock hard airport bench in concourse C for American Airlines in the Dallas Fort Worth airport. Our flight was delayed due to heavy thunderstorms. After missing our connecting flight to Cleveland, Ohio and with all the local hotels at capacity, My wife were forced to “sleep” overnight in the airport terminal. Sleep is actually an impossibility on plywood bench with Quarter inch of foam as padding beneath black vinyl upholstery covered in previous passengers spilled drinks, children’s ice cream fingerprint smears and other unknown dried and crusty fluids.

We are are sitting in a multi million dollar wing of an airport run by a 124 billion dollar company with 129,000 employees and I only have two bars of signal on my cell phone. The men’s room has a 1/4 inch of urine and toilet water on the floor. None of the maintenance crew has bothered to clean it up much less put the “CAUTION! wet floor” signs out as a precautionary measure.

Thousands of people who weren’t fortunate enough to get a room at a local hotel,  are strewn about the landscape of this fine airport like the homeless . Some are sleeping on the floor. Some are sleeping sitting strait up in these torturous benches. Others are hunched over the digital devices desperately trying to pass the time watching whatever they can to distract themselves from the boredom, frustration and helplessness.

As I sit here side by side with each of my cell mates I ask myself, “At what point do we say ENOUGH?” ENOUGH of these multi billion dollar companies who have gotten so big that they have forgotten who pays their salaries. At what point do each and every one of us put our foot down and stop patronizing these awful Goliath’s and just simply walk away. 

It’s you and I that pay their salaries.  We pay the salary of the rude lady at the ticket counter at gate fifteen concourse C, with wrinkled leather skin, wearing the AA Name badge with a security lavaliere dangling from her neck who when I approached her for some assistance with booking a new flight shot me a stern look and like an old dried up but venomous cobra, she hissed at me, “I can’t help you! I don’t work here!” Not once but twice she hurled her message at me in an attempt to haunt my advance towards where she stood behind the ticket counter.

At what point do each of us get up off of our lazy, social media soaked, dopamine filled blood streams and say ENOUGH? It has to end and the end has to start now.

The Art of Family Portraiture

The Art Of Family Portraiture

There is an "art" to family portraiture.  It's a creative process that involved the cooperation of a variety of elements and people. While composition of your subjects is important, creating a warm and comfortable environment helps create a the perfect family portrait. 

One of the most important things while setting an appointment with a potential customer is completing an in person consultation.  During this initial meeting you will find out how the family wants their portrait to look.  This is an important time to discuss what they should wear, where the picture will be your studio or out doors and who will be in the picture. 

A good wadrobe is vital.  Matching colors are very important. If you can get your customers to attempt to wear similar colors and styles the uniformity of the way they dress will create a far more visually appealing picture.  Strongly suggest that each person in the picture wear tops that are the same color. If everyone wears black tops with khaki pants this will look far better than one person wearing stripes, another person wearing polka-dots, and another person wearing tie-die.  The idea is to create a visually pleasing well composed picture with strong bold visual lines and colors. 

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